Plant Science Journal

Plant Science Journal (PSJ) (E-ISSN: 3026-8303) is a high standard scientific journal that serves as an avenue in contributing novel findings and contribution about plants to the global community and it is publish by Lujosh Ventures Limited.  PSJ is a peer reviewed and open access journal that publishes full length original research, short communications and review articles in all areas of plant science.  The topics of concern to PSJ include the following, although not limited to them as far as plant science is concerned; Plant physiology,, Crop physiology,  Plant biochemistry, Pathological & meteorological plant., Experimental botany, Cell biology, functional plant breeding, Cell physiology , Plant biology, Structural and genetic plant, Plant genetic engineering, Transgenic plant, Experimental and molecular plant biology, Molecular genetics and Physiological ecology

   PSJ Scope covers the following areas of plant science: phytopathology, development, plant morphology, growth regulation, plant microbiology, molecular cell biology and genetics, plant signal transduction, sustainable plant production, photosynthesis, pathogenic resistance, plant pathology,  nutrition,  symbiosis, plant stress physiology, plant ecology, plant system modeling, climate changes and plant adaptation, application of remote sensing to plant monitoring, etc.

Why you should publish with us

The support and accessibility of our services to authors and stakeholders while the publishing process is been undergone gives us the leverage ahead of our kinds in the industry of publication of scholastic articles.

Open Access

Our publications are open access which simply imply that it is free to access from anywhere in the world and they are licensed for reuse. We support the dissemination of published work in open data repositories.

Our authors retain the copyright of their work through a Creative Commons attribution license that clearly states how readers can copy, distribute, adapt and use their attributed research, free of charge as long as the original work is correctly cited.

Fastness in Publication

Our journal offer speedy publication immediately it has gone through our highly reliable and reputable peer review process in order to sustain our yearning for authentic information. As soon as a paper is accepted it should be published online in a minimum required time within the quarter meant for the issue at hand. Your article will be freely available, accessible and unrestrictedly reusable.

Fees & Standards

We have a low publication and service fee considering the high level standard we adopt with our peer review process and level of exposure we are committed to giving each article that we publish. We abide by the global publication ethics practices.


All articles that have gone through peer review process and finally accepted are issued with unique active digital objective identifier (DOI) with prefix 10.36108/, which helps to increase their visibility and readily abstract and indexed by some repositories partners.


Increasing the accessibility, exposure and visibility of your work globally is one of our uttermost priorities. We have magnificent public relation team that network and work with various media across the web.  With this public relation input, your article will be discovered easily and made reference to, your research will be accessible to more researchers, institutions and communities globally. Your published articles are continuously been indexed in reputable repositories as quickly as possible.


The publications work here are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License