Open Access Policy

Open access (OA) is a set of principles and a range of practices through which research outputs are distributed online, is free to read for anyone in the world, rather than only to subscribing readers or institutions.  The article published with our journal is made available under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA license; freely available outputs can also be legally shared and reused.

CC BY-NC-SA: This license allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format for noncommercial purposes only as long as attribution is given to the creator (author).


Different types of Open Access

  • Green open access
  • Gold Open Access
  • Diamond Open access
  • Hybrid open access
  • Bronze open access
  • Black open access

Gold Open Access

Our Journal uses the Gold open access, with this we publish as a fully open access scholarly journal. With us, we provide free and immediate access to the final full content of your published article(s) online. All articles have a Creative Commons License that is applied to them and this specifies how the published article(s) should be used. Our business model for this open access made us to charge an article processing charge (APC) that can covers the administrative processing cost and publication fee. This APC is expected to be paid by the corresponding authors, author’s institution or funding body.

With our journal author(s) retain copyright of all open access articles published.

Benefit of Open Access publishing

  • Its approach keep accelerating scientific publication progress
  • It is instantly accessible, read, reuse and adapted for further work by anyone, from anywhere at any time.
  • It has more citation potential and downloads compared with non-open access papers.
  • It is built on our strong and highly stringent standard Editorial rigor with our editorial expertise.
  • With increase in Funders compliance in which funders and institutions required articles to be published open accessed as perquisite condition for funding, you will be a step ahead getting such funds.