Reviewer’s Guide

Our journal adopts the double blind type of peer reviewing process where the reviewers cannot have a knowledge of the names of the authors, and the authors also cannot have a knowledge of who the reviewer that handled their manuscript.

We expect editors, reviewers and authors to maintain the anonymity and confidentiality with all details of all review process on manuscript submitted to our journal.

Our reviewers have the following duties and responsibilities

  1. All manuscript handled must maintain confidentiality.
  2. As a reviewer you can seek advice from the editor and/or other colleagues while evaluating a manuscript,
  3. Any potential conflicts of interest with respect to the manuscript must be addressed prior to the review
  4. Send notification to the editorial team if peradventure you felt the identity of the author is known during the double blind peer review
  5. Exercise extra caution with your review of any manuscript based on personal, intellectual, financial and any other form of biase that could influence the quality. viability and outcome of the research or paper under consideration
  6. Give constructive criticism, report and/or recommendation on each manuscript irrespective of the outcome of the evaluation undertaken during the review process.
  7. As a reviewer, we expect you to submit your assessment of the manuscript with the suggested decisions to the editorial team not more than 14 days from the day the full manuscript was sent to you.

Please click here to see the journal’s publisher reviewer’s guide


Recognition for Reviewers

With us, reviewers can receive recognition in any of the following ways

  • Inclusion in our journal’s annual list of reviewers
  • Getting online complimentary access to our journal and also discount as apply to the editorial board members for specific period that will be determined by the editorial team
  • Issuance of a letter or certificate of contribution from our journal.