
How to submit

We expect all manuscripts to be submitted by the corresponding author electronically via our online submission system. The corresponding author needs to create an account from which he/she will be able to do the following.

  1. Upload manuscript files (text (.doc or .docx), figures and any supplementary information)
  2. Upload Authors name, affiliates and corresponding authors email and mobile number
  3. Upload List of references
  4. Upload Filled and signed Authors consent form
  5. Upload cover letter
  6. Make payment for both manuscript processing and publication
  7. Check on the status of your manuscripts during the review process.
  8. Upload revised manuscripts provided in the editor’s decision. (Please do not submit revisions as new manuscripts).

Our journal editorial processes can be summarized as follows:

  1. Corresponding author submits a manuscript, pay for the processing fee and it get a tracking number (Inactive DOI).
  2. An editor is assigned to the manuscript.
  3. The editorial team makes a decision if the manuscript should be sent out for review or not. Author will see the decision via the status of the manuscript submitted in their account on our online submission system.
  4. The manuscript is assigned the most qualified reviewer(s) by the editor.
  5. After the review (which is double blind), reviewer(s) submit their reports to the editor.
  6. The editorial team evaluates the reports and the final decision is made by the editor.
  7. The author is notified of the editorial team decision.
  8. If the decision is negative, the author is given the opportunity to transfer their manuscript to another journal. If the manuscript was peer reviewed the referee comments are also transferred.